Supported by
the Luxembourg National Research Fund
Project O19/13946847
(…) irrespective of the basis upon which the conciliation is carried out, including agreement between the parties whether reached before or after a dispute has arisen, an obligation established by law, or a direction or suggestion of a court, arbitral tribunal or competent governmental entity.[344]
Code of Civil Procedure (Argentina) |
African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights |
Alternative Dispute Resolution |
American Law Institute |
Argentine National Civil and Commercial Procedural Code (Argentina) |
Art |
Article/Articles |
Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice) [Germany] |
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (Inter-American Development Bank) |
Conseil de l'Europe Commission européenne pour l’efficacité de la justice (Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice) |
cf |
confer (compare) |
ch |
chapter |
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Interamerican Court of Human Rights) |
Court of Justice of the European Union |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
European Case Law Identifier |
European Court of Human Rights |
ed |
editor/editors |
edn |
edition/editions |
eg |
exempli gratia (for example) |
European Law Institute |
etc |
et cetera |
EU |
European Union |
Euro |
ff |
following |
fn |
footnote (external, ie, in other chapters or in citations) |
Code of Civil Procedure (Germany) |
General Data Protection Regulation (EU) |
ibid |
ibidem (in the same place) |
Civil Procedure Regulations (Israel) |
Information and Communication Technologies |
ie |
id est (that is) |
Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal (Iberoamerican Institute of Procedural Law) |
Code of Civil Procedure (Japan) |
Japanese Yen |
n |
footnote (internal, ie, within the same chapter) |
no |
number/numbers |
para |
paragraph/paragraphs |
PD |
Practice Direction |
Pre-Action Conduct and Protocols |
pt |
part |
RSC Order |
Rules of the Supreme Court (UK) |
Supreme Court Canada |
Sec |
Section/Sections |
supp |
supplement/supplements |
Code of Civil Procedure (Turkey) |
trans/tr |
translated, translation/translator |
UK |
United Kingdom |
Civil Procedure Rules (UK) |
Institut international pour l'unification du droit privé (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law) |
UP |
University Press |
US / USA |
United States of America |
United States Dollar |
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (US) |
v |
versus |
vol |
volume/volumes |
WB |
World Bank |
*** |
*** |
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UNGA, UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation with Guide to Enactment and Use 2002 (United Nations 2004) 55 Art 3
Alternative Dispute Resolution Act 2010 (Act 798) (Ghana)
Civil Procedure Law 1991 (People’s Republic of China) Chapter 8
COLO. REV. STAT. ANN. § 13-22-311
Constitution of the PRC Art 111
People's Mediation Law of the PRC Art 5
SPC Several Opinions Art 22
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Shahla Ali
[1]* Professor and Associate Dean (International) & Director, Program in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. The author thanks the Government of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee for its kind support through its GRF Grant (HKU 17610921). This chapter builds on some research findings discussed in S Ali, Court Mediation Reform: Efficiency, Confidence and Perceptions of Justice (Edward Elgar Publishing 2018). The author also thanks Motoko Yoshida for her contributions on the Japanese Civil Justice System, and research support from Bonnie Lai and Siddharth Shroff.
[2] A Cabral, 'Consensual Dispute Resolution' in B Hess, M Woo, L Cadiet, S Menétre and E Vallines García (ed), Comparative Procedural Law and Justice (pt XV ch 1) accessed 28 October 2024.
[3] É Durkheim, ‘The Dualism of Human Nature and Its Social Conditions’ (2005) 11(1) Durkheimian Studies 35, 36–38. See also: J S Fish, ‘Homo duplex revisited: A defence of Émile Durkheim’s theory of the moral self’ (2013) 13(3) Journal of Classical Sociology 338, 342.
[4] Durkheim (n 2) 38–39.
[5] Ibid 42.
[6] Confucius, The Analects, para 2.3, 12.13, quoted in L Ross, ‘The Changing Profile of Dispute Resolution in Rural China: The Case of Zouping County, Shandong’ (1989) 26(1) Stanford Journal of International Law 15, 16.
[7] S Ali, ‘The Jurisprudence of Responsive Mediation: An Empirical Examination of Chinese People's Mediation in Action’ (2013) 45(2) The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 227, DOI:10.1080/07329113.2013.796759.
[8] See M Galanter, ‘Why the “Haves” Come Out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change’ (1974) 9(1) Law & Society Review 95; M M Feeley, The Process is the Punishment: Handling Cases in a Lower Criminal Court (Russel Sage Foundation 1979); C Albiston, ‘The Rule of Law and the Litigation Process: The Paradox of Losing by Winning’ (1999) 33(4) Law & Society Review 869; H Genn, Judging Civil Justice (CUP 2010); A J Cohen, ‘Revisiting Against Settlement: Some Reflections on Dispute Resolution and Public Values’ (2009) 78(3) Fordham Law Review 1143.
[9] See S Ali, Court Mediation Reform: Efficiency, Confidence and Perceptions of Justice (Edward Elgar Publishing 2018). F Steffek and others (ed), Regulating Dispute Resolution: ADR and Access to Justice at the Crossroads (Hart 2013); M Schonewille and F Schonewille, The Variegated Landscape of Mediation: A Comparative Study of Mediation Regulation and Practices in Europe and the World (Eleven International Publishing 2014); D Stienstra and T E Willging, ‘Alternatives to Litigation: Do They Have a Place in the Federal District Courts?’ (Federal Judicial Center 1995); R L Wissler, ‘Mediation and Adjudication in the Small Claims Court: The Effects of Process and Case Characteristics’ (1995) 29(2) Law & Society Review 323; C Menkel-Meadow, ‘Regulation of Dispute Resolution in the United States of America: From the Formal to the Informal to the “Semi-formal”’ in Steffek and others (ed) (n 8) 419; T Stipanowich, ‘The International Evolution of Mediation: A Call for Dialogue and Deliberation’ (2015) 46 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 1191; S I Strong, ‘Realizing Rationality: An Empirical Assessment of International Commercial Mediation’ (2016) 73(4) Washington and Lee Law Review 1973; H Genn and others, Twisting Arms: Court Referred and Court Linked Mediation Under Judicial Pressure (Ministry of Justice Research Series 1/07, 2007); L B Amsler, J K Martinez and S E Smith, ‘Christina Merchant and the State of Dispute System Design’ (2015) 33(1) Conflict Resolution Quarterly S7; A Kupfer Schneider, ‘The Future of Court ADR: Mediation and Beyond: Foreword’ (2012) 95(3) Marquette Law Review 799; T Sourdin and A Zariski, The Multi-Tasking Judge: Introduction to Comparative Judicial Dispute Resolution (Thomson Reuters 2013); D Quek Anderson and J Lee, ‘The Global Pound Conference: A Conversation on the Future of Dispute Resolution’ (2016) Asian Journal on Mediation 70.
[10] Ali (n 8).
[11] Ibid.
[12] See generally, Steffek and others (ed) (n 8); K Macfarlane and M Keet, ‘Civil Justice Reform and Mandatory Civil Mediation in Saskatchewan: Lessons from a Maturing Programme’ (2005) 42(3) Alberta Law Review 677; RL Wissler, ‘The Effects of Mandatory Mediation: Empirical Research on the Experience of Small Claims and Common Pleas Courts’ (1997) 33 Willamette Law Review 565; A Bruni, ‘Mediation in Italy’ (2010) 2 Revista Forumul Judecatorilor 96; D Cornes, ‘Mediation Privilege and the EU Mediation Directive: An Opportunity?’ (2008) 74(4) Arbitration: the Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 395.
[13] Ali (n 8).
[14] See F E A Sander, ‘Varieties of Dispute Processing’ in A Levin and R Wheeler (ed), The Pound Conference: Perspectives on Justice in the Future (West Publishing 1979) 65. See also pt XV ch 3 (CPLJ).
[15] Civil Justice Reform, Interim Report and Consultation Paper (2001) para 9.
[16] R Kagan, Adversarial Legalism: The American Way of Law (Harvard UP 2001) citing D Bok, ‘A Flawed System of Law Practice and Training’ (1983) 33(4) Journal of Legal Education 570.
[17] See for example, C J Alkin, ‘The Modern Problem-Solving Court Movement: Taking Stock After 25 Years’ Association of American Law Schools Annual Conference (January 2016); and R Fisher and W Ury, Getting to Yes: Negotiating an Agreement Without Giving In (2nd edn, Random House Business Books 1991) 10–11.
[18] D R Hensler, ‘Our Courts, Ourselves: How the Alternative Dispute Resolution Movement Is Re-Shaping Our Legal System’ (2003) 108(1) Penn State Law Review 165.
[19] H Foo Chee, ‘Civil Case Management in Singapore: of Models, Measures and Justice’ 11th ASEAN Law Association General Assembly Conference (Bali, February 2012).
[20] W Maclons, ‘Mandatory Court Based Mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Process in the South African Civil Justice System’ (2014) LLM thesis, University of the Western Cape 85.
[21] Y Shamir, Alternative Dispute Resolution Approaches and Their Application (UNESCO 2003) 24.
[22] N Alexander and others, ‘Engineering Peace - Achieving the promise of mediation in the world's most difficult conflicts’ (September 2013) accessed 29 December 2021.
[23] R Zeinemann, ‘The Characterisation of Public Sector Mediator’ (2001) 24(2) Environs Law 49, 51–53.
[24] Ali (n 8).
[25] Hensler (n 17).
[26] Steffek and others (ed) (n 8).
[27] Ibid.
[28]Ali (n 8).
[29] See C Tobias, ‘Civil Justice Delay and Empirical Data: A Response to Professor Heise’ (2000) 51(2) Case Western Reserve Law Review 235; and M Heise, ‘Justice Delayed? An Empirical Analysis of Civil Case Disposition Time’ (2000) 50(4) Case Western Reserve Law Review 813.
[30] See Stipanowich (n 8).
[31] C Menkel-Meadow, ‘Pursuing Settlement in an Adversary Culture: A Tale of Innovation Co-Opted or “The Law of ADR”’ (1991) 19(1) Florida State Law Review 1; J Resnik, ‘Many Doors? Closing Doors? Alternative Dispute Resolution and Adjudication’ (1995) 10(2) Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution 211; and E E Deason, ‘Procedural Rules for Complementary Systems of Litigation and Mediation - Worldwide’ (2005) 80(2) Notre Dame Law Review 553.
[32] See T C W Farrow, ‘Civil Justice, Privatization and Democracy’ (2011) Social Science Research Network accessed 28 November 2011.
[33] J Thibaut and L Walker, ‘A Theory of Procedure’ (1978) 66(3) California Law Review 541; D Stienstra and others, ‘Report to the Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management: A Study of Five Demonstration Programs Established Under the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990’ (1997) Federal Judicial Center.
[34] D R Hensler, A Research Agenda: What We Need to Know About Court-Connected ADR (RAND Corporation 2000) accessed 29 December 2021; T Stipanowich, ‘ADR and the “Vanishing Trial”: The Growth and Impact of Alternative Dispute Resolution’ (2004) 1(3) Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 843; K Kressel and D G Pruitt, ‘Themes in the Mediation of Social Conflict’ (1985) 41 Journal of Social Issues 179; J S Kakalik and others, Just, Speedy and Inexpensive? An Evaluation of Judicial Case Management Under the Civil Justice Reform Act (RAND Corporation 1997) accessed 29 December 2021.
[35] See H Genn, Paths to Justice (Hart 1999); and Genn (n 7).
[36] H Genn, ‘What Is Civil Justice For? Reform, ADR, and Access to Justice’ (2013) 24 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 397.
[37] R Delgado and others, ‘Fairness and Formality: Minimizing the Risk of Prejudice in Alternative Dispute Resolution’ (1985) Wisconsin Law Review 1359; G LaFree and C Rack, ‘The Effects of Participants’ Ethnicity and Gender on Monetary Outcomes in Mediated and Adjudicated Civil Cases’ (1996) 30(4) Law & Society Review 767; and S Press, ‘Court-Connected Mediation and Minorities: Has Any Progress Been Made?’ (2013) ABA Dispute Resolution Magazine 36.
[38] J M Brett, Z I Barsness and S B Goldberg, ‘The Effectiveness of Mediation: An Independent Analysis of Cases Handled by Four Major Service Providers’ (1996) 12(3) Negotiation Journal 259; M Galanter and M Cahill, ‘Most Cases Settle: Judicial Promotion and Regulation of Settlements’ (1994) 46 Stanford Law Review 1339.
[39] See Heise (n 28)
[40] Ali (n 8).
[41] L B Bingham and others, ‘Dispute Resolution and the Vanishing Trial: Comparing Federal Government Litigation and ADR Outcomes’ (2009) 24(2) Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution 1.
[42] Steffek and others (ed) (n 8).
[43] C Menkel-Meadow, ‘Variations in the Uptake of and Resistance to Mediation Outside of the United States’ in A Rovine (ed), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2014 (Brill-Nijhoff 2015) 197.
[44] M M Mironi, ‘Mediation v. Case Settlement: The Unsettling Relations Between Court and Mediation - A Case Study’ (2014) 19 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 173. The distinction outlined by Mironi between ‘mediation’ and ‘case settlement’ is helpful – noting that mediation is characterized by an interest-based, party-focused process rather than a ‘settlement’-oriented rights-based positional discourse.
[45] Menkel-Meadow (n 42).
[46] Ibid.
[47] Ibid.
[48] Ibid.
[49] See generally, P Taivalkoski and A Pynnä, ‘The Courts and Bar Association as Drivers for Mediation in Finland’ in C Esplugues and L Marquis (ed), New Developments in Civil and Commercial Mediation (Springer 2015) 275.
[50] Ibid.
[51] Ali (n 8).
[52] UNGA, UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation with Guide to Enactment and Use 2002 (United Nations 2004) 55 Art 3.
[53] See H Anderson and R Pi, ‘Evaluation of the Early Mediation Pilot Programs’ (2004) Judicial Council of California/Administrative Office of the Courts.
[54] F E A Sander, ‘Another View of Mandatory Mediation’ (2007) 13(2) Dispute Resolution Magazine 16.
[55] M Hanks, ‘Perspective on Mandatory Mediation’ (2012) 35(3) University of New South Wales Law Journal 929.
[56] Ali (n 8).
[57] See O Fiss, ‘Foreword: The Forms of Justice’ (1978) 93(1) Harvard Law Review 1; and O Fiss, ‘Against Settlement’ (1984) 93(6) Yale Law Journal 1073.
[58] D Luban, ‘Settlements and the Erosion of the Public Realm’ (1995) 83(7) Georgetown Law Journal 2619.
[59] Ibid.
[60] Ibid.
[61] R Delgado, ‘ADR and the Dispossessed: Recent Sections about the Deformalization Movement’ (1988) 13 Law & Social Inquiry 145.
[62] Ibid.
[63] Ibid.
[64] O Tjersland, W Gulbrandsen and H Haavind, ‘Mandatory Mediation outside the Court: A Process and Effect Study’ (2015) 33(1) Conflict Resolution Quarterly 19.
[65] Ibid.
[66] T Grillo, ‘The Mediation Alternative: Process Dangers for Women’ (1991) 100 Yale Law Journal 1545.
[67] Ibid.
[68] See L L Fuller, ‘Forms and Limits of Adjudication’ (1978) 92(2) Harvard Law Review 353. This occurred, Fuller argued, when adjudication attempted to resolve what he described as ‘polycentric’-type disputes (such as when there is no clear issue subject to proofs and contentions).
[69] L L Fuller, ‘Mediation – Its Forms and Functions’ (1970) 44(2) Southern California Law Review 305, 308.
[70] Ibid 310–312.
[71] Ibid 318.
[72] C Menkel-Meadow, ‘Peace and Justice: Notes on the Evolution and Purpose of Legal Process’ (2006) 94 Georgetown Law Journal 553.
[73] C Menkel-Meadow, ‘Whose Settlement Is It Anyway?: A Philosophical and Democratic Defense of Settlement (In Some Cases)’ (1995) 83 Georgetown Law Journal 2663.
[74] Ibid.
[75] Ibid.
[76] Ibid.
[77] A W McThenia and TL Shaffer, ‘For Reconciliation’ (1985) 94 Yale Law Journal 1660.
[78] Ibid.
[79] Thibaut and Walker (n 32); J D Rosenberg and H J Folberg, ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution: An Empirical Analysis’ (1994) 46 Stanford Law Review 1487.
[80] K K Kovach and L P Love, ‘“Evaluative” Mediation Is an Oxymoron’ (1996) 14(3) Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 31.
[81] Ibid.
[82] Ali (n 8).
[83] E A Lind and others, The Perception of Justice: Tort Litigants' Views of Trial, Court-Annexed Arbitration, and Judicial Settlement Conferences (RAND Corporation 1989).
[84] Genn (n 7).
[85] See Genn (n 35); Mironi (n 43).
[86] See pt XV ch 3 (CPLJ).
[87] Ali (n 8).
[88] See J M Nolan-Haley, ‘Consent in Mediation’ (2007) 14 Dispute Resolution Magazine 4.
[89] Ibid.
[90] Ibid.
[91] N M Alexander, Global Trends in Mediation (Kluwer Law International 2006) 259–77; R F Peckham, ‘Judicial Response to the Cost of Litigation: Case Management, Two-Stage Discovery Planning and Alternative Dispute Resolution’ (1984) Rutgers Law Review 253.
[92] See, for instance, M F Radford, ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation in Probate, Trust, and Guardianship Matters’ (2000) 1 Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal 241; J Folberg, Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law (Aspen Law and Business 2005) 226–240.
[93] J M Nolan-Haley, ‘Mediation: The “New Arbitration”’ (2012) 17(62) Harvard Negotiation Law Review 61, 70–72; F De Paolis, ‘Italy Responds to the Eu Mediation Directive and Confronts Court Backlog: The New Civil Court Mandatory Mediation Law’ (2011) 4(1) New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer 44; J M Nolan-Haley, ‘Is Europe Headed Down the Primrose Path with Mandatory Mediation’ (2011) 37(4) North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 981.
[94] Ali (n 8).
[95] See generally, G Smith, ‘Unwilling Actors: Why Voluntary Mediation Works, Why Mandatory Mediation Might Not’ (1998) 36(4) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 847, 847; J M Nolan-Haley, ‘Mediation: The Best and Worst of Times’ (2014) 16 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 731, 737–738.
[96] Hanks (n 54); D T Saposnek, ‘Clarifying Perspectives on Mandatory Mediation’ (1992) 30(4) Family Court Review 490.
[97] D S Winston, ‘Participation Standards in Mandatory Mediation Statutes: You Can Lead a Horse to Water’ (1996) 11 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 187.
[98] Ibid 189–191, 197–198; A Zylstra, ‘The Road from Voluntary Mediation to Mandatory Good Faith Requirements: A Road Best Left Untraveled’ (2001) 17 Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers 69.
[99] Winston (n 96) 188–190, 197–198.
[100] Ibid 195–196.
[101] See generally, E E Gordon, ‘Why Attorneys Support Mandatory Mediation’ (1998) 82 Judicature 224; Hanks (n 54) 929–932.
[102] See A De Luca, ‘Mediation in Italy: Feature and Trends’ in C Esplugues and L Marquis (ed), New Developments in Civil and Commercial Mediation (Springer 2015) 345; Hanks (n 54) 936–939.
[103] T Sourdin, ‘Mediation in Australia: Impacts on Litigation’ in N M Alexander (ed), Global Trends in Mediation (Kluwer Law International 2006) 37; A S Hart, ‘Child-Inclusive Mediation in Cases of Domestic Violence in Australia’ (2009) 27(1) Conflict Resolution Quarterly 3; Y Zhang, ‘Mediation Model Differences between China and Australia and Their Possible Collaboration’ (2015) 1(1) Journal of Interdisciplinary Conflict Science 46.
[104] Hanks (n 54) 939–942.
[105] Ibid.
[106] Macfarlane and Keet (n 11) 682.
[107] De Paolis (n 92).
[108] Ibid.
[109] See generally, R R Callister and J A Wall, ‘Japanese Community and Organizational Mediation’ (1997) 41(2) Journal of Conflict Resolution 311.
[110] Hanks (n 54) 939–942.
[111] Nolan-Haley (n 92) 90–91.
[112] Ibid.
[113] K Funken, ‘Court-Connected Mediation in Japan and Germany’ (2001) University of Queensland School of Law Working Paper No 867 accessed 29 December 2021.
[114] A Yasui, ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution System in Japan’ accessed 12 January 2016.
[115] Ibid.
[116] E A Feldman, ‘No Alternative: Resolving Disputes Japanese Style’ in M Bälz and J Zekoll (ed), Dispute Resolution – Alternatives to Formalization, Formalization of Alternatives (Brill 2014); Sourdin and Zariski (n 8).
[117] Conversation with Professor Aya Yamada, Professor of Law, Kyoto University, on civil litigation and mediation (Kyoto, Japan 1 October 2022).
[118] J M Nolan-Haley and J K Annor-Ohene, ‘Procedural Justice Beyond Borders: Mediation in Ghana’ (2014) Harvard Negotiation Law Review Online 1.
[119] Ibid.
[120] Ibid.
[121] See generally, C C Reindorf, History of the Gold Coast and Asante (Ghana University Press 2007); K A Ninsin, Ghana at 50: Tribe or Nation? (Weoli Publishing Services 2007).
[122] Alternative Dispute Resolution Act 2010 (Act 798) (Ghana).
[123] Ibid.
[124] Ibid.
[125] Ibid Sec 64(2).
[126] Ibid Sec 71(1).
[127] B Brainch, ‘The Climate of Arbitration and ADR in Kenya’ accessed 19 November 2015.
[128] Strathmore Dispute Resolution Centre, ‘Mediation Guidelines’ (Strathmore Dispute Resolution Centre).
[129] J B Stulberg, ‘The Theory and Practice of Mediation: A Reply to Professor Susskind’ (1981) 6 Vermont Law Review 85, 110–113; S Kaufman, ‘Mediation in Environmental Disputes’ in K W Hipel (ed), Conflict Resolution Vol. II, in Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems (developed under the auspices of UNESCO, Eolss Publishers 2002).
[130] V E Solomon, ‘Divorce Mediation: A New Solution to Old Problems’ (2015) 16(4) Akron Law Review 5; N Ver Steegh, ‘Yes, No, and Maybe: Informed Decision Making About Divorce Mediation in the Presence of Domestic Violence’ (2002) 9 William & Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice 145; P E Bryan, ‘Killing Us Softly: Divorce Mediation and the Politics of Power’ (1992) 40(2) Buffalo Law Review 441.
[131] Macfarlane and Keet (n 11) 677.
[132] Ibid 677–679.
[133] Ibid 677.
[134] Ibid.
[135] Ibid; J Nuffield, ‘Evaluation of the Adult Victim-Offender Mediation Program Saskatoon Community Mediation Services’ (Saskatchewan Department of Justice 1997).
[136] Macfarlane and Keet (n 11).
[137] M Keet, ‘The Evolution of Lawyers’ Roles in Mandatory Mediation: A Condition of Systemic Transformation’ (2005) 68(2) Saskatchewan Law Review 313.
[138] Ibid.
[139] M M Mironi, ‘Experimenting With Alternative Dispute Resolution As A Means For Peaceful Resolution Of Interest Labor Disputes In Public Healthcare—A Case Study’ (2011) 74 Law and Contemporary Problems 201.
[140] Ibid.
[141] Ibid.
[142] See generally, Fuller (n 68); Stulberg (n 128).
[143] See R Birke and L E Teitz, ‘US Mediation in 2001: The Path That Brought America to Uniform Laws and Mediation in Cyberspace’ (2002) 50 The American Journal of Comparative Law 181, 206–208; J W Goodman, ‘The Pros and Cons of Online Dispute Resolution: An Assessment of Cyber-Mediation Websites’ (2003) 2(1) Duke Law & Technology Review 1; and M Lang, ‘Cybersettle Secures $2m for Online Claims Settlement System’ (2011) Boston Business Journal accessed 29 December 2021. Some online mediation (e-mediation) platforms include and
[144] O Rabinovich-Einy, ‘Reflecting on ODR: The Israeli Example’ (2008) 430 CEUR Workshop Proceedings Series 13.
[145] Ali (n 8).
[146] C Esplugues, ‘Civil and Commercial Mediation in the EU after the Transposition of Directive 2008/52/EC’ in C Esplugues (ed), Civil and Commercial Mediation in Europe. Vol II. Cross-Border Mediation (Intersentia 2014) 485.
[147] Ibid.
[148] Ibid.
[149] Hanks (n 54) 932–934.
[150] Ibid.
[151] Ibid.
[152] See generally, P Michaud, ‘Experience from the Bilateral Fisheries Access Agreement, Impact on the Economy and Implications for Seychelles of the Outcome of the Wto Mediation on the Case of Tuna between the Eu and Thailand and the Philippines’ (Brussels, April 2003) Seminar on ACP-EU fisheries relations: towards a greater sustainability accessed 29 December 2021; H T Pham, ‘Developing Countries and the WTO: The Need for More Mediation in the DSU’ (2004) 9 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 331.
[153] WTO, ‘WTO Bodies Involved in the Dispute Settlement Process’ accessed 29 December 2021.
[154] Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the European Convention) Art 39(1) states that ‘at any stage of the proceedings, the Court may place itself at the disposal of the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly settlement on the basis of respect for human rights’. Therefore, the securing of amiable settlement requires willingness of the parties. Specifically, the European Convention Art 39 §1, cl b. states that after determining the case as admissible, the Chamber then examines the case, and offers parties the option of friendly settlement.
[155] W A Shabas, The European Convention on Human Rights: A Commentary (OUP 2015) 1622.
[156] European Convention Art 39(1).
[157] V A Sanchez, ‘Towards a History of ADR: The Dispute Processing Continuum in Anglo-Saxon England and Today’ (1996) 11 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 1. Also discussed in S Ali, ‘Nudging Civil Justice: Examining Voluntary and Mandatory Court Mediation Experience in Diverse Regions’ (2018) 19(2) Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 269.
[158] ‘Explanatory Report to Protocol No 14 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending the control system to the Convention’ CETS No 194 para 92 accessed 29 December 2021.
[159] R A Baruch Bush and J P Folger, The Promise of Mediation: The Transformative Approach to Conflict (John Wiley & Sons 2004).
[160] Explanatory Report to the CETS 194 (n 158) 94; Council of Europe Recommendation No R (2002) 10 on Mediation in Civil Matters (2002) (Council of Europe) accessed 28 October 2024.
[161] IACHR, ‘Handsection on the Use of the Friendly Settlement Mechanism in the IACHR Petition and Case System’ 5 (accessed 10 January 2022) states that ‘the friendly settlement procedure is voluntary’, ‘with or without direct involvement of the IACHR’. IACHR, ‘Impact of the Friendly Settlement Procedure Report’ (2013) 1 accessed 29 December 2021 also states that friendly settlement is a ‘voluntary agreement reached by the parties’. But note that the rules of procedure authorize the IACHR to facilitate a friendly settlement at any time during the initial investigation phase. M Webster and S B Burke, ‘Facilitating Friendly Settlements in the Inter-American Human Rights System: A Comparative Analysis with Recommendations’ (2010) Social Science Research Network 23 accessed 29 December 2021.
[162] IACHR, ‘Impact of the Friendly Settlement Procedure Report ’ (n 160) 17–18.
[163] Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 2013 (IACHR) Art 29(2)I.
[164] See generally, E Van Ginkel, ‘The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation’ (2004) 21(1) Journal of International Arbitration 1; P Binder and J Sekolec, International Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation in UNCITRAL Model Law Jurisdictions (Sweet & Maxwell 2005).
[165] UNCITRAL Model Law, commentary, para 8; See also: S Ali, I Bantekas, M Gomez and P Ortolani, Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (Cambridge University Press 2020).
[166] Ibid para 15–16.
[167] See Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation 2002 (UNCITRAL) Art 1 footnote 1.
[168] Ibid para 11.
[169] Ibid para 7.
[170] UNGA (n 51) 55 Art 3.
[171] Ibid Art 8.
[172] See generally, Taivalkoski and Pynnä (n 48).
[173] Ali (n 8).
[174] Menkel-Meadow (n 72).
[175] Ibid.
[176] Ibid.
[177] Ibid.
[178] Ibid.
[179] Ali (n 8).
[180] See H Fu and R Cullen, ‘From Mediatory to Adjudicatory Justice: The Limits of Civil Justice Reform in China’ in M Y K Woo and M E Gallagher (ed), Chinese Justice: Civil Dispute Resolution In Contemporary China (CUP 2011) 25.
[181] These findings are discussed in Ali (n 8).
[182] See generally, L Wang, ‘Characteristics of China's Judicial Mediation System’ (2009) 17(Supp 1) Asia Pacific Law Review 67; S Lubman, ‘Mao and Mediation: Politics and Dispute Resolution in Communist China’ (1967) 55(5) California Law Review 1284.
[183] P C C Huang, ‘Court Mediation in China, Past and Present’ (2006) 32(3) Modern China 275.
[184] Ibid.
[185] Ibid.
[186] M Tai and D McDonald, ‘Judicial Mediation in Mainland China Explained’ (2021) Herbert Smith Freehills accessed 29 December 2021.
[187] X He and K H Ng, ‘Internal Contradictions of Judicial Mediation in China’ (2014) 39(2) Law & Social Inquiry 285.
[188] M Yoshida (fellow collaborator on Part XV), ‘Mediation in Japan’ (2023) not published.
[189] Ibid.
[190] See Lubman (n 181); and S Lubman, ‘Deng and Dispute Resolution: “Mao and Mediation” Revisited’ (1997) 11 Columbia Journal of Asian Law 229.
[191] See M Palmer, ‘The Revival of Mediation in the People’s Republic of China: (1) Extra-Judicial Mediation’ in W E Butler (ed), Yearbook on Socialist Legal Systems (Transnational Publishers 1988) 219; H Fu, ‘Understanding People’s Mediation in Post-Mao China’ (1992) 6 Journal of Chinese Law 211.
[192] M Y Woo, ‘Court reform with Chinese characteristics’ (2017) 27 Washington International Law Journal 241; H Fu and M Palmer (ed), Mediation in Contemporary China: Continuity and Change (Wildy, Simmonds and Hill 2017); He and Ng (n 186); and J DeLisle, ‘Law and China’s Development Model’ in P Hsu, Y Wu and S Zhao (ed), In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus (Routledge 2011) 147.
[193] See D C Clarke, ‘Dispute Resolution in China’ (1992) 5 Journal of Chinese Law 245; Lubman, ‘Deng and Dispute Resolution’ (n 189); S G Jiang, Tiao Jie, Fa Zhi Yu Xian Dai Xing: Zhongguo Tiao Jie Zhi Du Yan Jiu (Mediation, Legality and Modernity: Mediation in China) (Zhongguo fa zhi chu ban she 2001); X B Xu, ‘Mediation in China and the United States: Toward Common Outcome’ (2003) JSD thesis, Stanford University; S E Hilmer, Mediation in the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong (SAR) (Eleven International 2009).
[194] See Fu and Cullen (n 179); and A Halegua, ‘Reforming the People’s Mediation System in Urban China’ (2008) Social Science Research Network accessed 29 December 2021.
[195] Ibid; see also R Peerenboom and X He, ‘Dispute Resolution in China: Patterns, Causes and Prognosis’ (2008) La Trobe Law School Legal Studies Research Paper 9/2008 accessed 29 December 2021; and D Ravenscroft, ‘Mediation and Civil Justice Reform’ (2008) Hong Kong Lawyer accessed 28 November 2011.
[196] See V Waye and P Xiong, ‘The Relationship between Mediation and Judicial Proceedings in China’ (2011) 6(1) Asian Journal of Comparative Law, article 2.
[197] Art 111 of the Constitution of the PRC states that, ‘People's Mediation Committees are a working committee under grassroots autonomous organizations – Residents Committee, Villagers Committee – whose mission is to mediate civil disputes’.
[198] Art 5 of the People's Mediation Law of the PRC provides that: ‘The administrative department of justice under the State Council shall be responsible for guiding the people's mediation work of the whole nation, while the administrative departments of justice of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for guiding the people's mediation work within their respective administrative regions. The grassroots people's courts shall provide guidance to the people's mediation commissions in their mediation of disputes among the people’.
[199] Ali (n 8).
[200] Woo (n 191) 242.
[201] D Chow, ‘Development of China’s Legal System will Strengthen its Mediation Programs’ (2002) 3(4) Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution.
[202] Ali (n 6).
[203] J Folberg and A Taylor, Mediation: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving Disputes without Litigation (Jossey-Bass 1984).
[204] D Schwarcz, ‘Regulating Consumer Demand in Insurance Markets’ (2010) 3(1) Erasmus Law Review 23.
[205] L Love, ‘Mediation: The Romantic Days Continue’ (197) 38 South Texas Law Review 735.
[206] Civil Procedure Law 1991 (People’s Republic of China) Chapter 8.
[207] Ali (n 6).
[208] L M Friedman, The Legal System, A Social Science Perspective (New York, Russell Sage Foundation 1975).
[209] L B Sun, ‘Morality, Law and Religion: A Comparison of Three Concepts of Justice’ in C O Lerche (ed), Towards the Most Great Justice (The Bahá'í Publishing Trust 1996).
[210] Ibid.
[211] P G L Chew, The Chinese Religion and the Bahá'í Faith (Oxford, George Ronald 1993)
[212] In addition to Buddhism, see Chew (n 210).
[213] Ali (n 6).
[214] During this time, the concept of ‘gain’ was understood as the happiness of the majority. See K Lieberthal, Governing China (New York, W.W. Norton, 1995) 16.
[215] D Bodde and C Morris, Law in Imperial China (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1967) 78.
[216] Ibid.
[217] S Effendi, Lights of Guidance (Alpha Editions 2023) 502.
[218] Abdu'l-Baha and S Effendi, ‘Buddha, Krisna, Zoroaster and Related Subjects’ in Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá and S Effendi (ed), Compilation of Compilations (Bahá'í Publications Australia 1991) 15.
[219] H Gao, ‘China’s Judicial System in Ancient Times’ (1984) 12 China Law 14.
[220] Lubman (n 181) 1290.
[221] Ibid. Gao (n 218) 17.
[222] Lubman (n 181) 1290.
[223] During this time, the concept of ‘gain’ was understood as the happiness of the majority. See Lieberthal (n 213) 16.
[224] T Akigoro, Sofuku no kenkyu (Tokyo bunko 1960) in P Ebrey, Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook (The Free Press 1993) 604-608.
[225] During this time, the concept of ‘gain’ was understood as the happiness of the majority. See Lieberthal (n 213) 16.
[226] M Yang, A Chinese Village: Taitou, Shantung Province (Kegan Paul Trench Trubner 1945) quoted in S Lubman, ‘Mao and Mediation: Politics and Dispute Resolution in Communist China’ (1967) 55(5) California Law Review 1284.
[227] Ali (n 6).
[228] Lubman (n 181) 1290.
[229] Wang (n 181) 68.
[230] Ibid.
[231] Ibid.
[232] D Hong (洪冬英), ‘Dangdai Zhongguo Tiaojie Zhidu Bianqian Yanjiu’ (当代中国调解制度变迁研究) (2011) The Study on Changes of Mediation System in Contemporary China (上海人民出版社) 91.
[233] X Feng (冯小光), ‘Tiaojie Zhidu Fazhan Jinchengzhong de Zhengzhi Dongyin (调解制度发展进程中的政治动因) (Political Motives in the Process of Mediation System Development)’ (2011) People’s Court Daily (人民法院报) accessed 29 December 2021.
[234] Ali (n 6).
[235] Shanghai Judge 1997 in Ali (n 6).
[236] Mediator interview 5, 29, and 30 in Ali (n 6).
[237] Shanghai Judge 1997 in Ali (n 6).
[238] Ali (n 6).
[239] D I Hitchcock, Asian Values and the United States: How Much Conflict? (Center for Strategic and International Studies 1996) 3.
[240] Jiu Y, ‘Ba Er nian renmin tiaojie gongzuo gaikuang’ [A survey of People’s Mediation Work in 1982] in G Xiang (ed), Renmin Tiaojie Zai Zhongguo [People’s Mediation in China] (Official Chinese Judiciary Publication 1986).
[241] R H Folsom and J H Minan, Law in the People’s Republic of China: Commentary, Readings and Materials (Martinus Publishers 1989) 173.
[242] S Maghzi, ‘Approaching the Middle Way: The Relative Decline of Mediation and Rise of Litigation in Contemporary China’ (1998) Stanford University department of International Relations.
[243] Ali (n 6).
[244] Mediator Interview 4 in S F Ali, ‘The Jurisprudence of Responsive Mediation: An Empirical Examination of Chinese People's Mediation in Action. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law’ (2013) 45(2) University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No 2013/023, SSRN:
[245] Mediator Interview, ibid.
[246] T’aiHsing Report, supra note 5, at 5-6 in Lubman (n 181) 1307.
[247] Ali (n 6).
[248] Interview: J1 Judge-Intermediate Court: Beijing in Ali (n 243).
[249] Shanghai Judge 1997 in Ali (n 6).
[250] Mediator interview 5, 29, and 30 in Ali (n 243).
[251] Shanghai Judge 1997 in Ali (n 6).
[252] Fu and Palmer (ed) (n 191) 69.
[253] Hong (n 231) 92.
[254] Ibid.
[255] M Y Woo, ‘Bounded Legality: China's Developmental State and Civil Dispute Resolution’ (2012) 27 Maryland Journal of International Law 235, 254.
[256] Ibid.
[257] See Fu and Cullen (n 179).
[258] Ibid 251.
[259] Ibid 251.
[260] Ibid 252.
[261] Ibid 251.
[262] Such government-department led and bounded mediation for participants of potential class actions was swift, whereby plaintiffs were steered towards settlement processes in preference to formal court process. Conversely, ordinary cases were generally permitted to through the court system. Woo (n 254) 242.
[263] M Wo, ‘In Search of Justice: China’s Elusive Civil Litigation Reforms’ in E Nesossi and others (ed), Justice: The China Experience (CUP 2017) 285, 293.
[264] Woo (n 191) 254.
[265] SPC Several Opinions Art 1.
[266] L Yin (尹力), ‘Ch.6 Fayuan Tiaojie Zhidu (第六章 法院調解制度) (Ch.6 Judicial Mediation System)’ in Zhongguo Tiaojie Jizhi Yanjiu (中國調解機制研究) (The Studies on PRC Mediation System) (Chinese Judiciary 2009) 109.
[267] Fu and Palmer (ed) (n 191) 71; He and Ng (n 186).
[268] SPC Several Opinions Art 22.
[269] S B Lubman, Bird in a Cage: Legal Reform in China After Mao (Stanford UP 1999) 275.
[270] Huang (n 182).
[271] P C C Huang, ‘Civil Justice in China: Representation and Practice in Late Qing’ (1996) 32(3) Canadian Journal of History 148, 498-499.
[272]He and Ng (n 186).
[273] Woo (n 254).
[274] Ibid.
[275] Ibid.
[276] Yin (n 265) 118.
[277] Y Chang and others (ed), ‘Dishizhang Renmin Fayuan Tiaojie (第十章 人民法院調解) (Mediation by the People’s Court)’ in Zhongguo Tiaojie Zhidu (中国调解制度) (The Mediation System of China) (Chinese Judiciary 2013) 272.
[278] Yin (n 265) 118.
[279] Ali (n 6).
[280] Ali (n 8).
[281] World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2016–2017 (World Economic Forum 2016) 146–147. China’s score for ‘no unreasonable delay’ in 2011 was in the 0.59 percentile and in 2016 in the 0.76 percentile.
[282] World Justice Project, Rule of Law Index 2016 (World Justice Project 2016) 60. In 2011 China’s scores for ‘effective enforcement’ was 0.55 and in 2016 it was 0.58; its score for ‘impartial and effective ADR’ in 2011 was 0.59 and in 2016 was 0.62.
[283] World Bank Group, ‘Worldwide Governance Indicators 2015’ (World Bank Group 2015) accessed 29 December 2021. In 2011 China was in the 0.43 percentile and in 2016 it was in the 0.44 percentile.
[284] P Legrand, ‘The Same and the Different’ in P Legrand and R Munday (ed), Comparative Legal Studies: Traditions and Transitions (CUP 2003) 240, 242.
[285] These findings are discussed in Ali (n 8).
[286] Ibid.
[287] No statistically significant variation exists with respect to such findings.
[288] J A Wall and K Kressel, ‘Research on Mediator Style: A Summary and Some Research Suggestions’ (2012) 5(4) Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 403.
[289] Ali (n 8).
[290] Ibid.
[291] Ibid.
[292] Ibid.
[293] For detailed analysis and country breakdowns, see International Mediation Institute, ‘GPC Series Data’ (International Mediation Institute) accessed [1/10/2022].
[294] Hensler (n 17).
[295] M Dakolias, Court performance around the world: A comparative perspective (World Bank 1999) 1–3.
[296] Foo Chee (n 18).
[297] Maclons (n 19) 85.
[298] Y Shamir, ‘Alternative dispute resolution approaches and their application’ (UNESCO 2003) 24.
[299] Alexander and others (n 21).
[300] Zeinemann (n 22) 51–53; N M Alexander and M LeBaron, ‘The Alchemy of Mediation: Aesthetic wisdom for a fragmented age’ in I MacDuff (ed), Essays on Mediation: Dealing with Disputes in the 21st Century (Wolters Kluwer 2016).
[301] Ali (n 8).
[302] R L Wissler, ‘Court-Connected Mediation in General Civil Cases: What We Know from Empirical Research’ (2002) 17 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 641, 690.
[303] J Pearson and N Thoennes, ‘Divorce Mediation: An Overview of Research Results’ (1985) 19 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 451; C McEwen and T Milburn, ‘Explaining a Paradox of Mediation’ (1993) 9 Negotiation Journal 23.
[304] Sander, ‘Another View of Mandatory Mediation’ (n 53) 16.
[305] C A McEwen and R J Maiman, ‘Mediation in Small Claims Court: Achieving Compliance Through Consent’ (1984) 18 Law & Society Review 11; N Vidmar, ‘An Assessment of Mediation in a Small Claims Court’ (1985) 41 Journal of Social Issues 127.
[306] These findings are discussed in Ali (n 8).
[307] These findings are discussed in Ali (n 8).
[308] Much of the ADR literature uses the terms ‘fairness’ and ‘justice’ interchangeably. See for example: O Shapira, ‘Conceptions and Perceptions of Fairness in Mediation’ (2012) 54 South Texas Law Review 281; J Bercovitch, ‘Mediation Success or Failure: A Search for the Elusive Criteria’ (2006) 7 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 289, 291; J M Hyman, ‘Swimming in the Deep End: Dealing with Justice in Mediation’ (2004) 6 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 19, 19; and J B Stulberg, ‘Mediation and Justice: What Standards Govern?’ (2005) 6 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 213, 215.
[309] See generally, Shapira (n 307).
[310] J M Nolan-Haley, ‘Informed Consent in Mediation: A Guiding Principle for Truly Educated Decisionmaking’ (1999) 74 Notre Dame Law Review 775, 778.
[311] California Rules of Court (USA) Rule 3.857(b) accessed 29 December 2021.
[312] Eg, Family Mediation Canada, ‘Members Code of Professional Conduct’ (Family Mediation Canada 2013) accessed 1 October 2022.
[313] Georgia Commission on Dispute Resolution, ‘Ethical Standards for Mediators’ (Georgia Commission on Dispute Resolution 2012) §IV 30,%20CHAP%201,%206-1-2012.pdf accessed [1/10/2022].
[314] S E Burns, ‘Thinking About Fairness & Achieving Balance in Mediation’ (2008) 35 Fordham Urban Law Journal 39, 41.
[315] See eg, J Dworkin and W London, ‘What Is a Fair Agreement?’ (1989) 7(1) Mediation Quarterly 3, 5.
[316] L Boulle and M Nesic, Mediation: Principles, Proocess, Practice (LexisNexis UK 2001) 454–455;
Grillo (n 65) 1550; Delgado and others (n 36) 1375–1383.
[317] N A Welsh, ‘Making Deals in Court-Connected Mediation: What’s Justice Got to Do with It?’ (2001) 79 Washington University Law Quarterly 787, 817.
[318] See eg, Bercovitch (n 307) 291.
[319] See eg, J W Cooley, ‘A Classical Approach to Mediation—Part I: Classical Rhetoric and the Art of Persuasion in Mediation’ (1993) 19 University of Dayton Law review 83, 130.
[320] See eg, J B Stulberg, ‘Fairness and Mediation’ (1998) 13 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 909; L Susskind, ‘Environmental Mediation and the Accountability Problem’ (1981) 6 Vermont Law Review 1, 14–18.
[321] K E Menzel, ‘Judging the Fairness of Mediation: A Critical Framework’ (1991) 9 Mediation Quarterly 3, 6–16; and J M Hyman and L P Love, ‘If Portia Were a Mediator: An Inquiry into Justice in Mediation’ (2002) 9 Clinical Law Review 157, 186.
[322] Stulberg (n 319) 215.
[323] C Menkel-Meadow, ‘When Dispute Resolution Begets Disputes of its Own: Conflicts Among Dispute Professionals’ (1997) 44 UCLA Law Review 1871.
[324] Ali (n 8).
[325] For example, a study conducted by the International Finance Corporation in 2006 found that, in more than 1,000 cases resolved through mediation in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovinia and Macedonia, direct costs of mediation averaged USD 225, which represented about 50% of the cost of litigation (about USD 470). See I Love, ‘Settling Out of Court: How Effective is Alternative Dispute Resolution?’ in World Bank, ‘Viewpoint: Public Policy for the Private Sector’ (Note No 329, World Bank, October 2011) accessed 1 October 2022. See also C E Jorquiera and G Dabdoub Alvarez, ‘The Cost of Disputes in Companies and the Use of ADR Methods: Lessons from Nine Latin American Countries’ (Multilateral Investment Fund 2005); J Barkai and G Kassebaum, ‘Hawaii’s Court-Annexed Arbitration Program: Final Evaluation Report’ (1992) Program on Conflict Resolution Working Paper Series 1/1992, accessed 1 October 2022; R G Hann and others, Evaluation of the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program (Rule 24.1) Final Report: The First 23 Months (Queen’s Printer 2001) Executive Summary and Recommendations accessed 1 October 2022.
[326] Genn and others (n 8) (for cases that failed to settle through mediation, expenses were USD 2,000 – USD 4,000 higher); Rosenberg and Folberg (n 78) (similarly, early neutral evaluation processes that did not result in settlement in California courts added about USD 4,000 to the cost of litigation); R L Wissler, ‘The Effectiveness of Court-Connected Dispute Resolution in Civil Cases’ (2004) 22 Conflict Resolution Quarterly 55 (reporting mixed results in cost savings); and R A Posner, ‘The Summary Jury Trial and Other Methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution: Some Cautionary Observations’ (1986) 52 University of Chicago Law Review 366 (suggesting that there are no savings in costs).
[327] COLO. REV. STAT. ANN. § 13-22-311 (West 2009).
[328] F E A Sander, ‘Paying for ADR’ (1992) 78 ABA Journal 105.
[329] Quek Anderson (n 8).
[330] See for example, L P Love and E Galton, Stories Mediators Tell (ABA Book Publishing 2012); C Menkel-Meadow, ‘Alternative and Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Context Formal, Informal, and Semiformal Legal Processes’ in P T Coleman, M Deutsch and E C Marcus (ed), The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (Wiley 2014) Chapter 50.
[331] See Rosenberg and Folberg (n 78); Barkai and Kassebaum (n 324); Hann and others (n 324); Bingham and others (n 40); and A Alvarez de la Campa, ‘The Private Sector Approach to Commercial ADR: Commercial ADR Mechanisms in Colombia’ (Investment Climate Department, World Bank 2009) accessed 1 October 2022.
[332] See for example: J S Kakalik and others, An Evaluation of Mediation and Early Neutral Evaluation Under the Civil Justice Reform Act (RAND Corporation 1996). However, see also critiques of the study questioning the representativeness of the sample and other design flaws: Stipanowich (n 33).
[333] See also, Genn and others (n 325) (showing no significant impact of mediation on case duration) and Wissler (n 325).
[334] These findings are discussed in Ali (n 8).
[335] Cited in Ali (n 8).
[336] Ali (n 8).
[337] Ibid.
[338] These findings are discussed in Ali (n 8).
[339] Ali (n 8).
[340] Ibid.
[341] These findings are discussed in Ali (n 8).
[342] These findings are discussed in Ali (n 8).
[343] See generally, Van Ginkel (n 163); Binder and Sekolec (n 163).
[344] UNCITRAL Model Law Art 8.
[345] Ibid para 12.
[346] Anderson and Pi (n 52).
[347] Ibid.
[348] Ali (n 8).
[349] Lind and others (n 82).
[350] See Genn (n 35); Mironi (n 43).
[351] Empirical studies indicate that nearly 30% of court mediators believe that further training is needed to effectively conduct mediations. See S Purcell and J Martinez, ‘Mediators in the Field: Experiences Around the Globe’ (2014) 20(2) Dispute Resolution Magazine 27.