Author Information

Teresa Arruda Alvim

Teresa Arruda Alvim

Full associate professor with an LL.M. and Ph.D. in laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Lectures post-graduate, specialisation, masters and doctoral courses at the same institution. Visiting professor at the University of Cambridge (2008, 2011 e 2015). Visiting professor at the University of Lisbon (2011). Honorary member of the IBDP Counsil – Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual. Honorary Executive Secretary General of the International Association of Procedural Law. Member of the Associazione italiana fra gli studiosi del processo civile. Member of the Instituto Paranaense de Direito Processual. Member of the Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, of the Instituto Ibero-americano de Direito Processual, of the Instituto Panamericano de Derecho Procesal, of the International Association of Procedural Law, of the Instituto Português de Processo Civil, of the International Board of Advisors of the Instituto de Derecho Procesal y Practica Forense de la Asociación Argentina de Justicia Constitucional. Member of the Advisory Council of RT publishing house (Editora Thomson Reuters Brasil). Lawyer.
